Posts Tagged ‘Hiking’

Actually, it was 7 mountains but the AMC does not count one toward the NH 4K’s.
This past Thursday, my friend Carol and I set out to conquer 6 of the 7 mountains left for us to complete the 48 – 4ooo foot mountains in NH. With the assistance from two of my sisters, we left Carol’s car at the Zealand Trailhead. Nancy and Ruthie drove us to the Twin Mountain trailhead. ( GPS glitch, not sure what that line is)

The plan was to hike up North Twin over to South Twin then on to the Guyot campsite for the night. We made it up and over the Twins. But by 5:oo pm, we still had 2+ miles to make it to Guyot. We decided to make camp for the night on the Twinway trail. I was a little disappointed we didn’t make Guyot. The next morning we packed up and headed to the campsite.  I was glad we didn’t try to go further the night before. The trail was a bit rocky and more than rolling hills.

We made the campsite by 10:45. Put up our tent, refilled our water from the spring and headed out to the Bonds by noon. We went over Mt Bond and on to Bond Cliff by 2:15. Had lunch and took tons of pictures, especially the iconic Bond Cliff pic.

We hoped to make it back to West Bond for sunset. Our average pace is 1 mile per hour. The distance between Bond Cliff and West Bond is 2.2 miles. The hike back up Mt Bond was tough. It has a steep and rocky section that is at least a half mile long. I was never so happy to make it back to Mt Bond. Now on to West Bond. We were told by other hikers the West Bond Spur went down then rose steeply to the top. I was dreading it. There is a steep section just before the summit, but it’s short. We made it to the summit by 5:00. It was the only place I had reception on my phone enough to text my husband and sister. I also posted a pic on Instagram. But I couldn’t call out. Go figure.

Sunset was beautiful.  I left the summit 15 minutes before it was completely dark.  I wanted to get back to the Bond Cliff Trail before dark.  I put my headlamp on shortly after passing the junction of West Bond Spur and  Bond Cliff Trail.  I was back to Guyot Campsite by 7.  Refilled the water and went to bed.  The campsite is on a first come first serve basis.  It’s $10 per night per person.  There are 6 sites with one or more tent platforms, plus one shelter for those without a tent.  We were expecting the campsite to be packed but it wasn’t.  It was not empty but there was plenty of room.

Saturday morning, we headed out to Zealand.  The .2 mile hike up out of the campsite was tough.  We were tired, our packs felt heavier and it was a continuous climb up.  We were never so happy as to see the junction sign. We made

We needed to go up over Guyot to get to Zealand.  Guyot is actually higher than Zealand.  The view from Guyot is spectacular.  It is all alpine zone with a 360-degree view.  Zealand, on the other hand, has absolutely no view.  The trail over Guyot to Zealand was one of the easiest parts of the hike.  It wasn’t too steep or rocky.  From the disappointing view of Zealand on to the breathtaking view of Zeacliff, we saw many making the trip up.

The trail from Zeacliff to the Zealand Hut was tough.  My knees are still sore.  It’s steep and rocky.  We gave encouragement to those heading up, they were close and the trip was well worth the effort.  The hut was very busy.  It is situated next to the Zealand Falls. Many had made the trek to the hut for the view from the falls.

I received great advice from a hut staffer. She gave me suggestions regarding how I had my pack set up.  I had my tent on the bottom of my pack.  She suggested I put it on the top.  What a difference!  It made the last 3 miles much easier.  Thankfully, the hike out from the hut is mostly level.  We made it out the trailhead by 4:30 pm.  I was grateful to take that pack off.

I don’t think I will ever do a 3-day backpacking trip again.  A 2-day, maybe. But not a 3 day, unless it’s a hut to hut trip.  That way I won’t have to carry a tent.

I hope you enjoyed this little trip.  Now I have to get working on my commemorative quilt of my hiking the 4k’s of NH.


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aka Catherine or Maggie and Sport’s Mom or Tom’s WifeMe2

Who is Cathy? That’s a good question. I’m the youngest of five, all girls. I lost my mom when I was a freshman in high school. When I was a senior, my dad had a massive stroke. He was never well enough to come home. He past away 20 years later.  I don’t tell you this for sympathy. But it makes me, well Me.

I love to laugh and tend to be very sarcastic.  You just can’t take things too seriously all the time.  If you ever have a question about what tone of voice I’m using, assume it’s with a laugh, giggle or smile.

I love to quilt, sew, hike, and snowmobile. Not necessarily in that order, but those are things I love to do.


Tom with Maggie & Sport on South Kinsman


I met my husband when I was 19. He was 28.  He wasn’t sure about dating a teenager but I solved that by turning 20, 3 months later <grin>.  We have been married over 20 years.  I joke, if I went to his senior prom with him, I would have been 9.  My husband is the one who got me into snowmobiling.  I hope we get a lot more snow than we did last year. Can’t wait to ride my sled!



My Sandie

I never had a pet growing up. The way I love dogs, you would never guess.  I was devastated when we lost our first dog Sandie.  She was my love.  I now have Maggie and Sport.  Maggie, I got from a local breeder. Sport, I got as a rescue 2 years later. They are different as two dogs can be.  I love taking them on hikes. To see the joy in their faces and tails, just puts a smile on my face. I believe they dream about hiking when they sleep.


I started quilting in the 90’s. My husband and I had a small engine repair business. My wardrobe consisted of jeans and a t-shirt.  I didn’t really want to make clothes that would get grimy.  But I missed sewing.  I got into quilting when I saw a friend showing off some of her work.  It got me back behind my sewing machine. Which I love!

When we closed the shop in ‘06, I purchase my long arm.  I have been quilting for customers ever since. It took me about 6 months to get to really know that machine. But I’m glad I purchased it. I enjoy the whole process of quilting. From choosing fabrics, to cutting, to piecing and quilting.



Our 12th 4k – Mt Garfield.

2006 is also when I met one of my best friends and hiking teacher, Carol.  We started out hiking the local rail trail and shorter, easier hikes.  We now hike at least once a week, averaging 10 miles a week.  We are very close to finishing the 4000 footers in NH. I was trying to get Maggie and Sport to all of them, but the longer hikes are just a bit much for them.  Maggie is 12 and Sport is 10.

I’m still amazed that I can hike these mountains.  When we first started out, a 2 mile walk on the local rail trail was tough.  Now I’m hiking 7+ miles with 1500 to 3000 feet of altitude gain. Even as I write this, I still can’t believe it.  But I have pictures to prove it.

I have been wanting to participate in a daily blog challenge for a while. I’m going to try to do them all.  I may miss a day or two, but that will be because I’m up on a mountain.  I wrote this earlier in the week.  Today, I will be climbing Mt. Monroe. Tomorrow, I’ll be on Mt. Washington, the highest mountain in the northeast!

Have you climbed any mountains lately? Literally or figuratively?





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But I am!

Last year I made snow suits for my dogs. When hiking in the winter, the wind can be an issue for dogs.  So I made snow suits using a laminated polar fleece.  They were great.  They slip on over there heads covering all their legs, while leaving the all important opening in the rear.  They were not as pleased with them as I was. 20150127_141252

This year, the night before our first winter hike, I could not find Sports suit. Being bright green, it would be difficult not to see them.  Both my husband and I looked everywhere.  I have the feeling it got thrown out in a bag while cleaning my sewing room. Augh!!


This is the pattern I used. Unfortunately, it’s no longer available.

I could make another one. But I did not have enough fabric left. I searched the internet, called the fabric store where the fabric was purchased, with no luck.  What I found on-line was too expensive.  The fabric store no longer had any left. I did purchase it two years ago.

What’s a girl to do?

I have been following a few blogs about refashioning old clothing. Looking through my closet, I didn’t have anything I was willing to sacrifice.  I went to my local Salvation Army store and found a jacket that, in combination with the fabric I had, would work perfectly.  Only $10.  Hooray!


The cuff were the most difficult. You need to stretch the cuff to fit the bottom of the sleeve.

So, I set out cutting the fabric and jacket. I had to piece some of the fabric to make it large enough to cut various pattern pieces.  Thus the stripe across the back. The original suit for Sport was a bit snug, so I made this one a bit bigger.  I think he looks great. But he’s not too happy. Once outside on the trails, he will not care at all.


I’m thrilled with the results!  We are ready for the next hike!


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