Archive for the ‘Who is Cathy’ Category


Sunday, Sept. 4: What are you up to currently?

Man and his dog

One of my favorite pictures. Maggie following Tom.

Reading… Nemesis by Catherine Coulter.
Playing… at stretching out my muscles. They are tight after hiking Mt Washington, NH.
Watching… any funny movie that’s free on demand.
Trying… to plan my day.
Cooking… need to make some oatmeal cookies.
Eating… cheerios.
Drinking… iced tea, I brew it almost on a daily basis. Need to make more.
Pinning… mostly just browsing. Haven’t pinned much lately.
Going… to hike either Mt Adams and Madison or the Twins this week.
Loving… my two pups, they are so adorable when they sleep. Maggie is running in her sleep. Must be a great dream.
Thinking… all the stuff I want to get done this week.
Sewing… a pair of pants.
Feeling… sore & tired, but very happy.
Looking… forward to the fall and winter seasons.
Celebrating… I have 10 more mountains to go to finish the 4k’s in NH.
Enjoying… a relaxing morning.

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aka Catherine or Maggie and Sport’s Mom or Tom’s WifeMe2

Who is Cathy? That’s a good question. I’m the youngest of five, all girls. I lost my mom when I was a freshman in high school. When I was a senior, my dad had a massive stroke. He was never well enough to come home. He past away 20 years later.  I don’t tell you this for sympathy. But it makes me, well Me.

I love to laugh and tend to be very sarcastic.  You just can’t take things too seriously all the time.  If you ever have a question about what tone of voice I’m using, assume it’s with a laugh, giggle or smile.

I love to quilt, sew, hike, and snowmobile. Not necessarily in that order, but those are things I love to do.


Tom with Maggie & Sport on South Kinsman


I met my husband when I was 19. He was 28.  He wasn’t sure about dating a teenager but I solved that by turning 20, 3 months later <grin>.  We have been married over 20 years.  I joke, if I went to his senior prom with him, I would have been 9.  My husband is the one who got me into snowmobiling.  I hope we get a lot more snow than we did last year. Can’t wait to ride my sled!



My Sandie

I never had a pet growing up. The way I love dogs, you would never guess.  I was devastated when we lost our first dog Sandie.  She was my love.  I now have Maggie and Sport.  Maggie, I got from a local breeder. Sport, I got as a rescue 2 years later. They are different as two dogs can be.  I love taking them on hikes. To see the joy in their faces and tails, just puts a smile on my face. I believe they dream about hiking when they sleep.


I started quilting in the 90’s. My husband and I had a small engine repair business. My wardrobe consisted of jeans and a t-shirt.  I didn’t really want to make clothes that would get grimy.  But I missed sewing.  I got into quilting when I saw a friend showing off some of her work.  It got me back behind my sewing machine. Which I love!

When we closed the shop in ‘06, I purchase my long arm.  I have been quilting for customers ever since. It took me about 6 months to get to really know that machine. But I’m glad I purchased it. I enjoy the whole process of quilting. From choosing fabrics, to cutting, to piecing and quilting.



Our 12th 4k – Mt Garfield.

2006 is also when I met one of my best friends and hiking teacher, Carol.  We started out hiking the local rail trail and shorter, easier hikes.  We now hike at least once a week, averaging 10 miles a week.  We are very close to finishing the 4000 footers in NH. I was trying to get Maggie and Sport to all of them, but the longer hikes are just a bit much for them.  Maggie is 12 and Sport is 10.

I’m still amazed that I can hike these mountains.  When we first started out, a 2 mile walk on the local rail trail was tough.  Now I’m hiking 7+ miles with 1500 to 3000 feet of altitude gain. Even as I write this, I still can’t believe it.  But I have pictures to prove it.

I have been wanting to participate in a daily blog challenge for a while. I’m going to try to do them all.  I may miss a day or two, but that will be because I’m up on a mountain.  I wrote this earlier in the week.  Today, I will be climbing Mt. Monroe. Tomorrow, I’ll be on Mt. Washington, the highest mountain in the northeast!

Have you climbed any mountains lately? Literally or figuratively?





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What is Blog-tember? It is a blog challenge for the month of September. The challenge is to post a blog for each day of the month of September. I am taking the challenge.  I hope to write a post for each day following the prompts given the Blog-tember Challenger

The prompts are as follows:

Thursday, Sept. 1: Introduce yourself however you like! Pics, vlog, collage, your choice 🙂
Friday, Sept. 2: Share a list of your current goals.
Saturday, Sept. 3: Now that summer’s at an end, share a list of favorites from the season!
Sunday, Sept. 4: What are you up to currently? I have examples here and here.
Monday, Sept. 5: What was your most memorable birthday?
Tuesday, Sept. 6: Create a playlist. What you’re listening to now, what encourages you, holiday favorites, etc.
Wednesday, Sept. 7: Five things that bring you joy.
Thursday, Sept. 8: A house/apartment/room tour! Give us a glimpse of your space.
Friday, Sept. 9: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
Saturday, Sept. 10: A day in your life! Take us through it with you by sharing a photo each hour of the day.
Sunday, Sept. 11: Round up of your favorite Instagrammers! Who should we follow?
Monday, Sept. 12: Three books! One you just read, one you’re currently reading, and one you want to read.
Tuesday, Sept. 13: If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? Why?
Wednesday, Sept. 14: Make a mood board! Are you brainstorming a room re-do, a capsule wardrobe, or already planning for the holidays? Show us your ideas! I have examples here and here.
Thursday, Sept. 15: What is the craziest adventure you’ve ever been on?
Friday, Sept. 16: How do you de-stress/take care of yourself?
Saturday, Sept. 17: Vlogging day! Record a vlog about anything you like!
Sunday, Sept. 18: One product that simplifies your life.
Monday, Sept. 19: A list of your favorite blog posts you’ve written.
Tuesday, Sept. 20: Something you wish more people knew or believed.
Wednesday, Sept. 21: If you were a flavor of ice cream, which flavor would you be? Why?
Thursday, Sept. 22: Fall favorites. Share your must-haves for this season.
Friday, Sept. 23: A family recipe (if grandma allows, of course!).
Saturday, Sept. 24: Recreate an outfit or a project from another blogger. Be sure to link back to the source!
Sunday, Sept. 25: Review something! A place, a book, a service, a product. Anything at all!
Monday, Sept. 26: Grab a guest post. Let’s have a friend share our space for the day. 
Tuesday, Sept. 27: Something that made you laugh or cry recently. It could be a video, a picture, a post, a memory. Anything that moved you.
Wednesday, Sept. 28: The top five pictures that illustrate your year so far.
Thursday, Sept. 29: Your Fab Five. Share your favorite bloggers/besties and tell us what you love about them! Share a link and give a shout out.
Friday, Sept. 30: Picture this, you’ve been stopped on the street by the photographer of Humans of New York, and he asks, “What advice would you give to a large group of people?” Share a picture of yourself along with the advice.

If you have a blog, check out the challenge.

Let’s see if I can do this.


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Hello World,

My name is Cathy.  I started this blog to help promote my quilting.  I am a longarm quilter.  That means I own a Longarm Quilting Machine and take others’ quilter tops in to be quilted.  I also make quilts on commission from start to finish.

Besides quilting, another of my interests is my dogs, Maggie and Sport.  They are Brittanys.  I think they are the cutest dogs around.  But then I’m bias.  I volunteer for New England Brittany Rescue.  For more information about the rescue league visit there web site at

My husband and I are also avid snowmobilers.  We like to ride in New Hampshire.  Mostly in Grafton and Coos counties.  My husband restores old snowmobiles.  He has many Rupps that he has restored.  So from time to time you may see a picture or two of vintage shows we attend.

I hope you enjoy visiting my blog.  I promise I will get pictures up soon.

Cathy H

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